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Thursday, December 10, 2009

I was looking through the local area animal shelters. I was so sad when I found so many nice horses to adopt and of course lets not forget the dogs, cats and other critters. I am sure that all the poor abused, neglected, mistreated, unloved, animals would love to be adopted by a nice loving family.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Blog,Blog Free,My Blog,Horse,Free Ads,

Heres a new place I found. Check it out it looks pretty Cool

Blog,Blog Free,My Blog,Horse,Free Ads,

Friday, November 27, 2009

I added a new horse to our Stable her name is Flip A Coin Silver Dollar she is a registered Tennessee Walker, her bloodlines are really great. Flicka as we call her because Flippa sounds kinda funny, is black with a star, strip, and Snip. She has a great walk, with an awsome back end. Shes been shown and I believe she was a stall baby. When, we put her out she was pretty flippy pardon the pun, lol, but she settled right down. She rides excellent.

With a name like that what do you think we should call her ?? Suggestions are Welcomed

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pony Tag

My pony Flicka

I lived in town and had to stable my pony at a local farmers house. There was several kids with horses and ponies. There was the big front barn with about 5 stalls, a back barn with two pretty big stalls and a small orchard with a little shed.

There were plenty of us kids to go around, if you were there and did not have a pony we would fix you right up. I talked my mom and dad into buying a few more ponies, after I bought Flicka. That way I could sell them to my friends and family. We use to play pony tag. I don't know if it is a real game these days but it was a game all us kids made up. We had a blast chasing each other around and tagging each other on our ponies. Playing pony tag is probably how I learnt to stay on my wild little pony Flicka.

Flicka could turn on a dime, run like the wind and had super brakes. When I first started riding her I would fall off almost every time I stopped her. I never blamed her though because it was me that didn't know how to stop properly. I was and still am a very stubborn girl, I would get up and get right back on. I did not even know I was suppose to do that to keep Flicka from learning bad habits. I won all the races even with the big horses. If I knew then what I know now I could have made some money on that sweet little pony Flicka. I was too young my mom and dad never had horses. I had to teach myself everything.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Horse Lovers

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Img04 This sweetheart of a horse is  Sasseys Delight the rider is Katy. This picture was taken at the Marion County Fair, 1995 Sassey passed away in 2007. She was 37 yrs. old.

Katy is 23 now and has a 1 yr old little girl, AnnElise

095 - Copy

Monday, September 7, 2009

Last week my daughter Katie and I went out to spend some time with our horses. We brushed down Pepper and Glory and took them for a ride. Unfortunately we forgot the camera. They both look so much better than they did when we got them. Its the first time I have really spent any time with them. Pepper, the little paint mare needs a lot of ground work. Shes a little skidish but really racks like a dream. Glory, is a very smooth ride also, she has a very good head shaking walk. She likes to go go go and does not stand very well. We will be working on that problem, too. We let Velvet Lace rest this time.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Run Away Mustang and The Great Day

Yesterday was a great day. My daughter, her friend, and my grand babies and I went to see our horses. I have a couple pictures of my grandson riding our horse Stars Velvet Lace, we will call her Lacey for short, of course the cameras batteries went dead, so I only got a few pictures. It is my grandson Wyatt's second time on a horse.

We got to here some exciting true stories while we were there about their new horse Eli. A few days ago seems Eli decided to go on an adventures all on his own. Steven was riding him and started cantering something he has not done under saddle yet. Eli decided he wasn't too happy about it and threw Steven off. He took off and was running all over the place he got way to close to I 71 yes the interstate. My friend Cindy had to jump on my old faithful Lacey and go catch him. She got pretty close caught him but he twisted around and got loose. So some nice neighbor of hers went and got some grain they threw it on the ground and he then let them catch him.

Thank You Lord Jesus

The Hero Star's Velvet Lace

The Runaway Eli

Monday, July 6, 2009


Owning horses and not having your own place anymore is a bummer. I enjoyed having my own Stable very very much. It is so nice being able to go out your back door to see your horses. It is just like keeping a very large dog around. They follow you around and are very nosey. I have not been out to see my horses lately. I am kinda bummed about it. I do enjoy them so much. I will make it a top priority on my list of things to do.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sharing horses and Experiences with you

I bought one of Stars fillies back, her name is Stars Velvet Lace. She was, bred, born and trained on my farm. Yes, I done all of her training. I trained her very well according to the owner of the farm shes lived at for the last 10 years. She was one of their top riding horses, at Marmon Valley Farm, a Christian Riding Camp in Bellefountaine, Ohio. We had to sell her when she was about 4 years old. The same old problem all true horse lovers have, to many horses. She was born in 1993 and her sire is out of Merry Go Boy a foundation sire of the Tennessee Walking Horse. Her Dam was of course Miss Lady Starlight.

I am so happy to have her back, she is one of my horses first foals, Star. She was born on my birthday. What a wonderful birthday present that was from my old horse.

I also bought two other mares pictured above, they are both Tennessee Walkers। These pictures are from when we first brought them home। Pepper is the little Paint mare, she is 4 this year। Glory is the black mare, she is 13 years old। They are all very nice mares, and ride great