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Monday, April 12, 2010

Colts and Fillies

We been so busy taking care of new foals being born at our barn, I haven’t had much time to write. It started about 2 weeks ago when the first colt hit the ground. We were not expecting him quit so soon. I got a frantic call telling me that my horse  had a foal, they thought it was not going to live, the mother had no milk and the baby would not stand on its own.

Shortly after, that call, I got another frantic call from my friend, turns out it was not my mare, it was hers. She is a truck driver and she was on the road in PA. We live in Ohio. Her kids were going out to see what they could do, I was thirty minutes away. She ask me to go see what was going on and buy some replacement milk for the baby.

On my way I made a few phone calls to see what all could be done. Thank God, I had never had these problems before. I talked to two vets each said they did not make supplement milk for horse foals and cows replacement milk would not work. I called my friends the first one said, the same thing and gave me some good advise on bringing in the mares milk, etc. I thought about another friend of minep that had raised a set of twin foals, I remembered how she said she supplemented her foals with milk because her mare did not produce enough milk. She said yes they do make mares replacement milk to call OSU Vet Hospital. In the mean time I could replace it with Lambs replacement milk.

So I frantically ran through out TSC looking for iodine, some kind of replacement milk, a tetinus shot, heat lamp cause it was cold out, etc.

Finally I arrived at the barn where we board. The kids had given the baby some powdered milk and had the foal up trying to nurse. The mare did have milk. THANK GOD 

New Born 2 weeks ago  


Midnight Spring Magic at 1 week

New Pictures of Magic


Next New colt his Name is Sorrow


Sorrow a few days old


Sorrow A week old


We are expecting 2 maybe 3 more foals. I am looking forward to sharing them with You

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Horse and Baby

Horse and Baby

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Race

Flicka turned out to be a very good pony. I kept her at a local stable. It was probably about 3 miles to my house. I use to ride her to town quite often. I would ride her into my house just to spend time with her and do something different. When I rode her to town lots of younger children would stop me, to pet and ride the pony. I really enjoyed sharing her with everyone, she was such a good little pony. I always let them pet her. I was afraid to let them ride, I did not want any little ones to get hurt.

There is one particular day I remember the most. I had taken Flicka to Nancy's house a few blocks away from my house. On my way home one of the boys I went to school with rode up on his new bicycle. 

All you girls know what happened next. Yes, he started,  Bragging about his new bicycle ," my new bike is faster than your pony, I'll race you". I knew my pony was faster than his bike but he kept at me. "come on race me" "chicken". Come on race me". Well being the competitive, daredevil young lady I am I jumped right on it.

We went running down the street as fast as we could go. This is the part where you need to pay close attention. 

I was on the left, he was on the left, Paying attention ? Remember I was about 13 years old. Flicka is my first pony.

Flicka and I were running fast as we could down the middle of my street Then I seen my house, we got to the front of my house with Flicka in the lead, I turned Flicka towards my house, which was on the right. Flicka, poor baby, ran into his new bike, jumped up high in the air just (trying to miss that bicycle). Like a rodeo horse, kicked out at the bike, and  went running into the back yard. I went flying over her shoulders rolled smack into the big walnut tree in front of my house.

Oh, my gosh my head hurt so bad I could barely get up. The neighbors went after Flicka, she was in the back yard, eating grass of course. 

They carefully walked me over to set on my porch. Well Flicka was fine but Larry's bicycle well that was a different story. It was not even rideable. Flicka broke the spokes out, and bent the rim, lol. So much for that new bicycle.

Lesson for the day. Remember everyone, I was only about 13 years old,  with little to no horse experience. As I set there in total disbelief and in shock. I finally figured out just what happened.

Guess What? *** Horses and ponies they turn much, much faster than bicycles. 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Horses, Hook m Early

These are my grand children I have three. This is my oldest one her name is Paige, she just turned 6 years old this year. Its her very first horse ride with me beside her.




This young man is my grandson Wyatt, he is 2 years old. He is my little horseman. I call him my little mister. Whenever he sees a horse no matter where it is he’s telling grandma “horse, horse, horse”.  The first four pictures are over Christmas. In the lower one on Velvet he is about a year and a half old. The last one he was just seven months old on Shaggy.

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Wyatt and Velvet 002   Wyatt on Shaggy 4m

This little lady is my youngest grand daughter her name is Miss AnnElise she turned one year old in July she's a little bit on the scared side, the real horses care her to death she screamed whenever we got close to one, my daughter and I was devestated, lol. She was even a little leary of stuffed ones they are now a blast. The first picture is  at Christmas this year. She took a break from unwrapping presents just to ride the horse. God willing next year she will be ready for the real thing.   

101_0177 My Grandbabies 002 My Grandbabies 001 My Grandbabies 007