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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Surprised Me

I have not been here enough this year. For some odd reason,  my horse got dropped off on my door step in the middle of town. That was a shock for all of us at our house, it's a good thing I still had horse fence and gates around, they came in handy. 
 My cousins husband is a little strange, to my face he acted like taking care of my mare was no problem. Then dumps her on my door step.

 We were suppose to be able to ask for a permit to keep farm animals in our yard, in town, if we have enough room, which I do, so I ran up to the Health Department and put in my app. for a permit.
 Low and behold of course they will not give out permits for that anymore. We can own property but CAN NOT have anything we want on it. 
I explained to him that she (my last horse) got dumped in my yard. He so graciously gave me a whole week to get her out of my yard.  I tried all week long diligently to find her a new place. At that time, there really was not many places around here that rent out stalls. 

This horse was kinda a basket case when I first bought her. Her name was even Flippa. She spooked all the time, about anything, but she would spook in place. Thats why I bought her.  We call her Flicka

She shocked me so much during that week, I was under the impression since I do not get to spend much time with her, that she was a little spooky.  Boy has she fooled me, she is the perfect horse now. She was a lady all week long in my back yard.

Now for the rest of the story.  Not even 5 days later, (remember the Health Dept. gave me a week, I thought that was 7 days )  I had the health dept., the cops,  and the Humane Society at my door. I had just found her a place to live and had planned on moving her the next morn.  My daughter the one leading the horse went out first to tell them that we had planned on moving her the next morn.
 The Humane Society was threatening to take her and my daughter was throwing a major fit. I suppose that is why the police were there.  As you can see there is nothing wrong with the mares  health. I finally made it out calmed everyone down. Explained to them all, that I was planning on moving her the next day. They of course, said, (that if we did not get her out of there by then that they would have to help me get a place for her to stay and monitor her). We moved our mare the next day to a nice Amish mans house, Him and his kids take excellent care of her and lots of others along with their own. 

That was what happened at the beginning of my summer. Since then I  have had 2 more grandsons and another one on the way. Making my total of grandchildren 8 very soon. I have been very busy taking care of them this year. It is calming down now and Soon I hope to remember lots more horse stories from my past.  So,  keep checking back, and tell all of your horsey friends. 

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