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Saturday, November 19, 2011


Hi everyone! I still do not get on here much these days. With 6 grand children and a new job I am pretty busy.  I do not have my own Internet connection and driving around using others is a pain in the neck. Its does bother me that I can not get on here as much. 

I had my horses in the city right beside the public fairgrounds. When I bought the house I called the city council, the fairgrounds, and the City Police Dept. They all said it was fine they had no laws or what ever against it, just keep the manure cleaned up which was not a problem. 

I get my horses all moved into there new home. The my mare and her colt passed away as I wrote in my last blog. Just when I thought everything was gonna be great by having my horses in the back yard. 

Go figure, the city council decides to put restrictions on the farm and other animals in the city. We fought and begged them for awhile so they decided to let us have them as long as we filed for a permit every year.  They made a bunch of new rules that you have to follow, etc.. 
I was planning on moving my horse to where she could have lots of pasture however, I did not file for my permit, a couple months later they sent me a letter saying, They gave me 10 days to move my horse. My boyfriend and I was having some trouble because he has a farm with pasture but I could not move my horse there because I had no job. That is one of the reasons I started working, but I was a little mad at him so I hadn't moved my horse yet. I got a job shortly thereafter. Then the city health dept. guy starts sending the humane society to my house. Well I will be damned if they take her, so I tried to find another place for her. I could not find one. 
 I finally had to brake down call one of my xxx boyfriends to see if he'd take her for me, well he did, Thank God. I did not want to tell them where she was at, I really did not think it was any of their business, after all the issue was over me having to move my mare. 

I would not tell them where she was, They issued a warrant for my arrest. I had to get a lawyer which did not really do anything but keep me out of jail, which I do appreciate. I just had to tell them where she was stabled, so they could check to see if she was there. 

The City Health Dept. had been to my house several times to see if she was there, but they could not come back to see if she was not there. They are not issuing anymore permits after next year. There you have it The fine politics  of the city at work wasting tax payers money.